

A cooperative relationship is the key for a successful collaboration. We are open for any new development and are therefore in the position to support the team, in order to help that our client will achieve the desired results.

Our service is provided by persons who have made their mission to their profession. We are an engineering office for industrial design. Our core competence is the development and optimisation of cladding solutions.



Our offer is based on the ambition to create solutions, which give added value to the constructions of our clients and improvements to their market opportunities. We are able to work detached from any internal mindset and are therefore free from any restrictions. This allows us to take an independent approach.

On the basis of our international experience, our comprehensive contacts with professional associations and specialist partners from all areas we are in the position to assist in order to conclude all projects in a successful manner. The creation of presentations, animations, the construction of 3D-CAD-models, visualization are further examples of our capabilities.


Ernst Lang

Ernst Lang

Started his carrier in the carpentry of his father, where he had early contact with windows and facades. After appropriate technical education he had the opportunity to create a pool of ideas and skills during his employments in the glazing industry, with a local cladding company, in an international company for cladding design and finally his cooperation with a lot of well known companies in the cladding industry. Always interested to improve he has graduated the University of applied sciences in Augsburg and has concluded the study to the degree of a certified technical façade engineer at 2009/2010.

Searching for challenges the direction goes more and more towards complex 3D-Constructions, but also into the field of CO2-saving design.

innovative cladding design

Lang GmbH

Linzer Weg 24, 4694 Ohlsdorf, Austria
phone +43 (0) 7612 7 11 78 | fax +43 (0) 7612 4 80 81 | mobil +43 (0) 664 34 23 523

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Linzer Weg 24
4694 Ohlsdorf, Austria

telefon +43 (0) 76127 11 78
fax +43 (0) 76224 80 81

Ing. Ernst Lang

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